Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Social Media Harassment!

Social Media Harassment!

With every passing day, social media harassment by PTI’s supporters (proud social media abusers) is increasing. And I am afraid if Mr. Khan come into power, then a new “blasphemy law” will be introduce and according to that law, if someone utter anything against Mr. Khan, he/she will be hang or stone to death.

In recent past, many hateful and disrespectful campaigns were launched by PTI social media team, against almost everyone who dares to ask questions about PTI and Mr. Imran Khan, be it Sana Baucha (her abusive Facebook page Sana Bitch) Hamid Mir, Dr, A.Q. Khan, Attaul Haq Qasmi etc. People from different walks of life were targeted and harassed by PTI social media abusers.
And very recently I was going through the Facebook pages owned by PTI supporters and I came across with their new target, a 27 years old young man name Fawad Khalid khan. And I was quite amused how people on Facebook are malign this guy and why. And I failed to understand why this man is their new target, what offense he committed?

Finally I succeeded in finding out the reason with the help of an article written by Sarah Khan a fellow citizen.

Then I begin my research to find out why particularly this guy, who is not a celebrity, yet he is target and why PTI is so scared of him that they are going from pillar to post to malign this guy.
What my sister Sarah Khan has written, I truly respect her feelings, as we all wanted to see Pakistan as a prosper country. But my sister in your desperation of seeing Pakistan a better place, please do not try to malign anyone without knowing him/her completely. The character assassination of Fawad Khalid in your article shows your biased attitude. And I would not say that you have written all this, to distort or for some cheap publicity, or you are paid for writing it, definitely not, but don’t you think one should be extremely careful before spreading such kind of false propaganda and hatred against anyone.

We being the citizens of this country, we have full right and liberty to ask questions to our leaders, (only)to our leaders only … our leaders only……be them from any party but targeting one person and that too on personal grounds, is not right, rather it is awful. It shows our hollowness and shallowness. It is high time that we youth should be united and start questioning our leadership. Instead of indulging our self into hatred against each other.

Sarah mentioned in her article that Fawad was an ex-APML and she was shocked to know this and so she raised questions about his character.
Sister, leaving one party and then joining another party does not proved anyone as a bad character, and if according to your article if someone is, then what would you write on Mr. Jinnah? He left “Congress” and later joined “Muslim League”. I hope you got my point. Think rationally and value the differences of your fellow citizens.

And don’t be shocked sister if he was supporting Musharraf in past. He himself one a public forum has said it openly that he was an ex-APML so there is no need to be shocked or surprised. It is more appropriate to say, that he was an ex-APML, is a fact, and now he is supporting PML (N) is a reality.

Here is a link in which he clearly said that he left APML and why. And to clear you further he left APML almost “year back not five months”. And it shows how research oriented article you have written. And just an additional advice sister, when you are writing something about someone “do proper research” before mud slanging anyone.

And I was more amazed by the comments on the blog, people without knowing anything about him start abusing him. The whole article was written on here say and without even a pinch of reality in it. And people are appreciating the blogger.

Someone commented on the blog
Great work Sara khan. Outstanding Blog. Needs people like you to present all the realities in front of common people.

My question is, “what kind of reality and what “great” work you people are talking about and praising about”? Does anyone dare to ask Sarah from where she gathered all the information? And started character assassination of Fawad? No one will ask her, because we are more interested in false propaganda.
Let us have a look who is “real” Fawad Khalid Khan?

A source of inspiration for many young, talented and educated youth.

We should be proud of Fawad Khalid Khan for his Innovative Targeting System. We should try to follow his footsteps to make our country proud! Rather targeting and harassing this young lad (who is a pride of Pakistan) without any concrete reasons.

The behavior of PTI’s supporters on different forums of social media has now become a serious matter, whether we like it or not but it is true. My one and only request to Mr. Khan (putting aside all the political brawls) please guide this youth and help them so that they don’t get astray.

Mariam Khan